The Things I’ve Said This Past Week

Oh my God!

Brake.  Brake.  BRAKE!!!!

Well, we know my seat belt works.

Release.  Release the wheel. RELEASE!!

Slow down.

Slow down!!!

Don’t tip the car over!!

Turn into your lane, your lane!

Don’t hit the pedestrian!!!

Get up to speed.

Curb!  Watch the curb!

Back up and try it again.

Whew, we made it.

Can you tell yet what I’ve been doing more of this last week or so?  Teaching Mr. T to drive.  Since last year I’ve been giving him opportunities to drive, mainly in empty parking lots and the short trek to the bathroom facilities when we go camping; however, he has really ramped up his driver’s education lately.  I think this is mainly because he realized that his younger cousin was driving more than he was.  We are just a bit competitive in our family!

So not ready for this yet...

So not ready for this yet…

I have discovered that construction zones are not the place to let him learn.  I’ve also discovered that he’s not ready for the main roads yet.  I’m already dreading the freeway experience.  I usually talk to Erica at the end of the day and as I’m on my way to pick up Mr. T from school, about 6:30, and we hang up when he gets in the car – and Mr. T keeps laughing “why does Erica keep praying for your safe return? Does she think I can’t get you home in one piece?”

Well, uh, yeah, that’s pretty much it.

I took my eyes off the road just long enough to snap a picture!

I took my eyes off the road just long enough to snap a picture!




A Supernatural Obsession

Nerd fandom

I love being a nerd!

As most of you know, I work from home.  I have a room with a beautiful antique desk and credenza set up to meet my every need.  It even has T’s old futon (from the time he redecorated his room to be a collage dorm) that will fold out for when I have more guests that just the guest room will hold.  It’s a great room.

During the holidays, my job is slow, and since T is home, I usually work from the living room.  I love my couch. It’s so comfy and has multiple recliners.  It was during the holidays that I discovered the show Supernatural.  TNT runs a three hour block every morning and since there is nothing else on TV, one day I decided to watch it.  So much better than I expected it to be!  It actually fills all my TV needs: drama, mystery, investigation, character development and most importantly, Sci Fi.  I love being a nerd!

When I had my dental issues, I moved back to the couch.  It was just easier and more comfortable.  And, yes, I could watch Supernatural on TV! Shortly thereafter it was Spring Break.  Well, T is gone to stay with my parents, I’m alone in the house, work is light, and so I figured this was the time to catch up on the Supernatural series – Netflix is a wonderful thing!

Being an addictive personality, I operate like this:


I’m currently addicted, obsessed, enthralled even! I didn’t discover this until the Friday of Spring Break when my dad called, wanted me to run to Target with him and Mr. T.  No problem!  I love Target.  On the ride there he asked if I’d seen this particular news story.  No, I must have missed it.  That was when it dawned on me.  I hadn’t watched any real TV that week.  All I had watched was Supernatural on Netflix.  Okay, maybe one or two shows from my DVR.  But, no news, no fluff, no nothing.  It was a Supernatural Spring Break!


Who wouldn’t be obsessed with this guy? ❤ Dean Winchester

reading the bible

Dean and Cass

The show is also full of witty one-liners.  The writers do a great job of creating the scene and moving it forward.

Sam: Why did you let me sleep?  Dean: Cause I’m an awesome brother.

Sam and Dean getting in the car: Driver picks the tunes, shotgun shuts his cake hole.

Dean (talking to Castiel, the Angel): We’re humans.  And when humans want something really, really bad, we lie.  Cass: Why? Dean: Because that’s how you become President

Bobby: Get the hell off my property before I blast you so full of rock salt, you crap margaritas.

(Cop talking to Dean)  Cop: So fake US Marshal, fake credit cards… You got anything that is real? Dean: My boobs.  (he gets cuffed after that!)

You get the idea!

I’ve missed the first half of the latest season, and it’s killing me.  But, my DVR is set, so I won’t miss anymore. And I’ve been scouring the internet to find free copies of the first half of this season so that I can catch up.

Now, I’m passing my obsession along to you! Be a nerd with me! Drink the Kool-Aid! You won’t regret it! To get you started, here is a YouTube of one of my favorite outtakes from the show! Even if you never watch the show, this is so worth it!

Currently all of my social media is hooked up to Supernatural.  They show up on my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Yup, I’m addicted.  And I LIKE IT!!!

Here are some more pictures, just to share my obsession with you!

Mashed Potato Sandwiches

I know, I know, you are all tired of my drama when it comes to my teeth.  Well, I don’t care.  It is the most interesting thing happening in my life right now so suck it up and sit through one more post about it! I mean: Please sit through this with me!

I had the unplanned tooth extraction on Tuesday.  Half way through the dentist stops and goes “Kate, I’m having some difficulty with this.”  Due to my TMJ, my jaw is slightly misshapen and the roots of my teeth don’t go straight down, they take a jog in there.  Now, I had been praying through this entire procedure; however, at this point, I stepped up the prayers to non-stop.  I was carrying on a conversation with God that was pretty much “Please help her get this done, please be with her, please let her get this out, pretty please let this work!”


She kept working on the extraction.  Then, about ¾ of the way through she stopped again.  “Kate, we need to take an x-ray, I’m struggling to get this last little bit out.  If I can’t get it, I’ll have to send you to a surgeon.”

Not going to lie, at hearing this, my eyes filled with tears.  I can’t impart to you how much I really didn’t want to go see an oral surgeon.  I mean, really, REALLY didn’t want to go.  My prayers turned to the promise stage “Lord, I’ll do whatever you want me to, just let her get this out.  Am I currently too obsessed with the TV show Supernatural?  Okay, fine, I’ll stop watching it – just let her get this out.  You want my first born?  Okay, fine, just let her get this tooth out.”  (I don’t think I really offered up Mr. T, but, I might have!! It’s pretty much a blur…)

Next thing I knew, she was stitching me up!!  This one wouldn’t heal on its own, but she managed to get it out.  I also needed to have a script for antibiotics, since the work had been so invasive.  I had filled my script for pain pills last week, but ran to Wal-Mart for some penicillin.  The wait is 45 minutes.  I sat on the bench and did my best to survive.  It was done in 10 minutes!  Massive blessings!


Heaven in a cup!

I went home and curled up on the couch.  I texted my dad and told him that I did need him to pick up Mr. T that night and would he please grab me a chocolate shake? Not only did he bring me a shake, but he brought me mashed potatoes and gravy.  Oh my goodness.  Best meal ever.  I made it about half way through the mashed potatoes and gravy and then put them in the fridge.  I had been starving, but didn’t really have anything at the house I could eat, so this was a life saver. (Yes, I had been to Target that morning and yes, I just completely spaced the fact that I needed food I could actually eat…but I did remember to pick up The Hobbit for T’s Easter gift and a couple of chocolate bunnies for us! Priorities you know!)

The next morning I was working from the couch and got hungry.  I knew I only had half of a serving of potatoes left… and it had to last me breakfast and lunch.  So, I did what anyone would do.  I grabbed a couple of slices of bread to go with it!  I got my spoon and smeared a bit of potatoes on the bread and took a bite.  It was perfect.  It was just the right size for my mouth to handle, and soft enough that I could eat it.


Best thing since sliced bread!

I had my own little mashed potato and gravy sandwich.  It was Heaven – and so good that I went ahead and had it again for lunch!

For the record, today I’m doing so much better.  I am still slightly swollen and I ache, but overall, I feel that I’m on the road to recovery!   She did chip the tooth next to it as she was working, but I have to have a root canal on that one in three weeks, so I’m not worried!

But, you know what I really want?  Some crack.  How soon till I can eat that you think?

Selective Deafness

I’m cuddled on the couch, ice pack to my cheek, pain killers at my side.  The extraction I had done yesterday did not go well, there were some complications.  As such, I’m just in no mood to do anything and was so very please to have gotten an email from one of my favorite bloggers yesterday.  Larry has been a huge inspiration to me as I started blogging and has been there pushing me along when I needed help.  His blog, Me, Myself and Kids, is hysterical. It takes on every subject under the sun, from his fear of morning showers to the lessons he learned watching Spongebob, I am always entertained and am pleased to have him write a guest spot for me today.  Please read on and leave your comments for Larry below, and go check out his blog!


I am enraged. It is Sunday morning, nearly 11:30 am. I have been doing errands all morning. I am standing outside my house with grocery bags in my hand.

I can’t find my house keys. Therefore, I am beholden to one of my dear family members to answer the door. Twelve rings of the doorbell, multiple poundings on the door, screaming for attention, tapping on the window.  Nothing works.

And I am left waiting. Two minutes. Four minutes. Still, I wait. I am livid.

Sunday morning is a quiet time in my house. I am sure BR is playing some computer game in the den. This is the only place/activity where his attentionally-deficit mind can focus to the point of shutting everything else out.  I know SJ has his trains lined up on my bed while watching yet another episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in my room.  My wife must be in the shower or the laundry room. She would not leave me out there.

Finally, SJ, my 6 year old, opens the door. I scream at him. I am not interested in any excuses. The tears flow and his wailing begins. I send him to his room, not concerned that I may have gone too far. I yell at BR and send him to his room. No computer for him.

My boys have a skill. Selective deafness. I believe all children have it.  It’s beyond annoying and sure to leave a parent muttering, if not worse (see above).

On the other hand, I think selective deafness is a very necessary tool for adults.

Consider this, ladies. How many times have you heard your man drone on about sports or another topic that holds little interest to you? You feign interest and shake your head periodically, but in reality, you are practicing selective deafness. I am sure my wife practices it. And you know what? I’ll bet you this helps our relationship. Guys – how many times has your wife gone on about work drama or a sale that, in reality, interests you none. Well, if you are wise, you practice selective deafness.

Selective deafness is helpful outside of the home as well. Have you ever been in a meeting that goes on for too long? The speakers start to sound like the parents in a Peanuts cartoon. I’ll bet you practice selective deafness. You zone out and hear nothing. This, people, is a good thing. Save your sanity.

Ever sat near someone on some form of public transportation that does not realize they are not in a private car? You know, that person who thinks everyone is interested in their cell phone conversation? Meanwhile, you are trying to sleep, read, or surfing on your computer. Well, if you practice selective deafness, you can focus on whatever it is you are trying to do.

So my boys were practicing for adulthood. I can appreciate that. Selective deafness will serve them well. Still, they better get off their butts the next time I ring the bell, or I am going to be pissed! Selective deafness be damned.

 Can you hear me now?.
Larry D. Bernstein

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming!

So, I had a dental appointment the other day, discovered that I needed two root canals (not just the filings that I wanted) and that the dentist was willing to perform the extraction I needed.  We know I got the extraction cause that was the day that we found out my sister was 6 months pregnant.  That is healing nicely, by the way, cause I know that you all were wondering!  I’m putting the root canals off until I can pay cash for them. My plan is in place!

Saturday I worked with my mom for four hours, walking the aisles of the antique mall where she has a booth.  I took a shift for my dad.  It wasn’t bad.  Dad brought me lunch and took over for the second half of the day.  I was eating my chicken sandwich as I was driving home and bit down and was like “Crap, a chicken bone? Is that even possible??”

Yeah, not a freaking chicken bone.  I have a tooth that has a crown from a root canal about 20 years ago.  The crown fell off.  AND IT TOOK THE TOOTH WITH IT!!!!

So, I’m driving down the road, discovering that I have a shear plane in my mouth and a freaking tooth still inside the crown in my hand.  I’m so not a happy camper.  Fortunately, since it’s a tooth that had a root canal, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t bother me.  I make it through the weekend and call the dentist on Monday, got a Tuesday appointment set up.  Scheduled a teeth cleaning for Mr. T at the same time.  Two birds.

Okay, remember me mentioning that I have two root canals I need and am putting them off?  Yeah, well, in order to fix the tooth that broke this weekend, I have to have one of the root canals done immediately.  Sigh.  So, I go in next week for the extraction of the roots of the broken tooth.  Then I’ll go in and have the root canal done on the tooth next to it and then, after it’s all healed, I get a replacement tooth.

Really?? Can I have one break.  Just one.  Please.

Let end by saying, I’m not lacking in my dental hygiene skills. I brush, I floss – all the darn time!  Ask my fellow blogger Erica, she will tell you that my favorite habit when on the phone is to floss my teeth.  Well, not my favorite habit, but she does hear me do it at least in every other conversation!  I don’t sip sodas, I drink them down so that the acid doesn’t sit on my teeth.  I drink a ton of water.  I take care of my mouth.  I think it’s genetic.  My mom and my grandmother have all gone through this, so I’m blaming them!

Enough about my tooth issues.  Maybe one day I’ll have a post to write that doesn’t involve my teeth… one day… but since I’m currently fixated on this issue, that day is not today!

And the hits just keep on coming...

And the hits just keep on coming…

Happy Spring Break!

Let’s Celebrate, I Survived the Week!

I’ve tried to write this blog three times so far.  I’ve had to delete it due to length, due to lack of time and due to the situation changing.  I have yet to be able to keep this even under 1500 words, so, let’s try a different approach! Something that won’t bore you!

Last week I had a molar extracted.  A bone chip apparently can be a side effect, and it was tearing up my cheek.  Monday the dentist told me to grab some tweezers and I could pull it myself.  Uh huh, sure.   


It’s Monday.  I don’t plan to leave the house, so my clothes don’t match.  This isn’t that pertinent, it’s just an aside to let you know that I go out in public looking awful.

My dad is out of town this week.  This week my parents are having their retaining wall fixed/replaced and this means there isn’t a fence around their backyard.  And they have 3 dogs.  And those dogs have to be taken out. 

Lee’s foot hurts.  He can’t walk on it, I go over to take care of him and let the dogs out.  As soon as I got there the plans change and we are headed to Care Now (doc in the box clinic).   

Several hours later, we had the worst doctor I’ve ever encountered. I mentioned the fear of gout and I asked the doctor to make sure she double checked anything that she would prescribe to make sure it didn’t conflict with any of Lee’s existing meds.  She told me “I know how to do my job”.  Then she diagnosed him with tendinitis and tried to give him an injection that conflicted with his meds.  When we brought this up and refused the injection, she then said that she just wasn’t going to prescribe anything at all.  Nice hissy fit doc. 


Monday night I called the dentist and left a message.  I didn’t have any luck in pulling out the bone chip, please call me in the morning and let me know when you can fit me in. 

Tuesday morning they called and had a 3 o’clock opening. Great! I’ll take it!  Then my mom called.  Lee is doing worse; did the doctor say why she wouldn’t prescribe the steroids? Is there something else we can do?  Well, Mom, I can call Care Now and ask for a different doctor to review the file – which I did.  We got called in to have some blood work done.  The new doc wanted to check for infection and for gout. (I sent out a mental “told you so” to the crappy doc from the day before, petty of me, I know!)  After the blood was drawn I left Lee at Care Now and drove the 3 minutes to my dentist and had the bone chip pulled.  They told me that it was wedged and I wouldn’t have been able to remove it myself.  I sent out another mental “told you so” and went back to the clinic. 


In the 15 minutes I was gone, the doctor had made it back.  I walked in the room and Lee goes “Okay, we have to go to the hospital.” “Why, what did she say?” “I have an infection and some other stuff.”  Uh, okay, other stuff isn’t a lot to go on.  So, I got the doctor to come back and tell me the results.  Pretty big infection and his blood sugar was through the roof, she didn’t feel right treating him due to the heart issues.  We’d have the results of the gout test tomorrow. 

Now we head downtown to the hospital.  I pulled mom out of her meeting and she in turn ended up tracking down a doc who could see Lee.  I met up with mom and gave her Lee and then came back home.  I heard later that the new doctor confirmed it looked like gout, so he was going to go ahead and give him some steroids and good pain pills.  I ended up picking up Mr. T at 6:30 and then making several stops to gather up the scripts and everything else that was needed. 

Wednesday I ended up working from their house again taking care of Lee and the dogs.  24 hours comes around and I call to get the results of the gout test.  After several transfers and many more minutes I was then told that the results take up to 72 hours.  Uh no, that doesn’t work for me.  You told me 24 hours, so since it’s not my fault that you gave me misinformation, would you please call the lab?  Several more transfers and then I got the clinical manager and he agreed to call the lab.  About 20 minutes later I had the results.  Lee had gout.  I mean he really has gout.  Your uric acid levels should be at 7.  Lee was at 14.5.  Due to his reduced kidney function his body isn’t flushing the acid out like happens in most people.  And the fact that his is on diuretics makes it even harder.

Fortunately, his cardiologist said “Okay, I can work with that”, so we have hope.  And last I saw Lee, the swelling was going down and the pain was receding.  He could actually put some weight on part of his foot again. 


Now we are at today.  TGIF indeed! After I pick Mr. T up at 6:30, I’ll run him a couple of towns over to spend a few days with some family friends.  He gets to do this every spring break and we all look forward to it!

Tomorrow I spend four hours working with my mom at her antique mall booth.  After that… can you smell it…? I smell the sweet scent of Freedom! 

And look, under 1000 words!  Happy Weekend everyone! 

Crack is Too Good to Waste…

…So I ate it after my dog.


Shorty at this years Halloween party. Hanging out in the kitchen with us.

You all know my dog Shorty, the best chihuahua in the world.  He doesn’t know a stranger.  He’s not a yipper or an ankle biter.  He’s a cuddler, a lover.  He is also a good guard dog, he lets me know if anyone is on my property.  I love that about him.

Tonight, he’s not the best dog in the world, he’s the dog that got into my crack.  Now, before you get all upset, let me explain.  A few months ago I went to Taco Bell while Mr. T was out of town, and they had this new menu item, a cookie sandwich.  I got one, I tried it and I was in heaven.  This thing is pure bliss. A few days later I went back just so I could order one.  When Mr. T got back into town, I was like “we have to have Taco Bell tonight, they have these amazing sandwich cookies, they are like crack!” (For the record, I’ve never done crack, so, I could be wrong, these could be nothing like crack (and I really don’t know which drug that really is) but to me these are what I imagine crack would be like!)

From that moment on, T and I have referred to these cookies as crack.  It’s Friday and I cook all week long so that we can indulge Friday nights.  Tonight he was trying to decide between Taco Casa and Taco Bell.  Normally, we prefer Taco Casa and that is where he was leaning… and then I said “but Taco Bell has crack.”  We went to the Bell.

I ate my dinner and took a bite of my crack.  Then I sat it down and had to step away for a few minutes.  I came back and Shorty was looking awfully guilty.  I looked over and he’d gotten in my chair, dug into the bag, opened the bag and had been eating my crack.  “Shorty, bad dog, get outside!!”  He ran.  I sat down and looked at my cookie… what was left of it. Several thoughts went through my brain. He’d only had a few bites.  Licked some of the frosting.  He must have had a few chocolate chips, I hope he doesn’t get sick.  Aren’t dogs mouths suppose to be pretty clean?

So, before I did what we all know I was contemplating, I sent out a text to two of my friends, both with dogs.  Both who understand my crack addiction and both who have been by my side all week long as I’ve gone through everything I went through this week.  I figure if anyone was going to be able to tell me “No, step away from the crack!” it would be them.

Bert said his son shares popsicles with his dog and he hasn’t died yet.  And Erica said “um, yes you can [eat after him]”.

That’s all I needed!  I did pick off one part of the cookie, but not cause Shorty nibbled on it… he’d licked all the frosting off, the cookie isn’t the same without the creamy frosting middle.

Yup, that just happened.  I ate after my dog.  But that crack was too good to waste!!


Taco Bell cookie sandwich, aka – crack!