I am a Runner

Happy Pre-Friday everyone! The other night I clicked a link on Twitter, read this blog  and then shed some tears. Several of you have been here for the last several years and know my journey to get healthier, and how I’ve started running and stopped, started and stopped more times than I can count.

It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long at you don't stop; at Did That Just Happen Blog

It took some time to for me to actually start “running”. I worked up to it. I walked. A lot. I did the elliptical. I tried outside. And came right back in. It’s hard. And there are people out there. People that could see every jiggle and bounce my body took with each stride.

It has been almost a year since I started “running”. And up until a few weeks ago, I still wouldn’t have called myself a runner. Y’all remember my first 5k from a few weeks ago? Remember those two girls talking and I distanced myself from the conversation because I thought they were friends – but come to find out, they were strangers too – they just had allowed themselves to embrace the running community, where as I hadn’t yet. I was standing there waiting for someone to tell me that I didn’t look like a runner. That I shouldn’t even be there.

It doesn't matter how this looks to others... Fighters Fight at Did That Just Happen Blog

That’s the little voice in my head that I live with. That I think most of us live with. That voice that can come up with 1,000 reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Why you shouldn’t run that race, why you shouldn’t take the new job, why you shouldn’t move across the country. Or even why you shouldn’t say yes to that invitation that your friend issued.

But you know what? Not once has that voice been right. I always have fun when I say Yes to the invitation. Taking the new job led to an amazing life, one I couldn’t have imagined that allowed me to be there more for my son. And you know what, not a single person at that race told me I wasn’t supposed to be there. Not a single one even gave me a sideways glance. Everyone I encountered smiled, and spoke, and invited me in.

And now I can say that I’m a runner and not put the quotation marks around it.  Now I can share with all of you what, up until this point, was pretty much only known if you follow me on Instagram! I was afraid to put it out there.  I was afraid to declare my intentions.  The little voice was telling me that I wouldn’t find acceptance.  Fortunately, I am stronger, WE are all stronger, than that little voice.

So, go run.  Go paint.  Go capture a soul through your photography.  Go step outside your comfort zone and take the new job.  Move.  Explore.  Do.

And go read Ashley at Rather be Runnin’: 

P.S. I linked to some old posts of mine, which was weird, because (1) they were old and apparently my writing style has change (hopefully for the better) and (2) they were not even telling the story the way I thought they were!  So, you don’t have to bother to go back and read them!

#Unprocessed October

Have I told you that we are in the Last 100 Days of the year? It’s totally my time of the year!  Safe from Zombie attack at Did That Just Happen Blog

My house is decorated for Halloween – and still safe from Zombies.

Brace yourself, pumpkin flavored everything is coming

And it’s pumpkin time!  I love pumpkin time!

I have reevaluated my life, my balance and I have redefined my goals for the Last 100 Days, and if you like that kinda thing, you need to be following OrtsofSorts with me! You know how I love a good challenge, and well, I’m LOVING this one!

You know what else I’m doing? #Unprocessed October! Yes, you heard that right.  I am in a challenge to only eat unprocessed foods. During the month of October.  The best month of the year.  Halloween Candy.  Pumpkin Spice Lattes.

And I can’t eat any of it.

But hey, you should do this with me! If you want to join, there is a badge on the right side you can click through and sign the pledge! Come join, seriously, it’ll be fun!

I survived Day 1, as part of my Living in the Now, I’m taking that as a win; however, I did keep a food diary to share with you to help keep me on track.


Day 1:

Breakfast: Coffee is unprocessed.  I should probably read the instructions for this, but I’m sure coffee is unprocessed.  I’m brewing a cup.

Coffee is NOT the same without my Pumpkin Spice Creamer.  Or my Peppermint Mocha Creamer.  Unsweeted almond milk is not the same.  I bet that is processed.  Probably should have read the ingredient list.

I may not survive until the end of the month.

I have four homemade Lara bars left.  All hope is not lost.

Why are there left over fried pickles still here? I told Mr. T they were here, and he knows the reps send the left overs home for him.  Why would today be the day he doesn’t eat them?!?  Technically I could make those at home… so that doesn’t count, right? Crap.  I’m sure it counts.

I want extra points for walking away.

There should be a point system for this.

I should read the instructions; there might be a point system.

Morning Snack:

Maybe I could live on smoothies.  Fruit, spinach, technically you can make yogurt at home – I have a friend that did it, and I know all of the ingredients – flax seed… it says “seed”, that counts.  Almond milk.  Man, I have got to read that ingredient list!!!

Read through the instructions.  There is not a point system.


This looks like a normal meal for me, I can do this.  Massive salad time.  Romaine, carrots, zucchini, almond slivers, capers.

Note to self:  Research how to make salad dressing.  Like now.


Afternoon snack:

I am seriously hungry.  Pear.  Grapes.  Homemade Lara bar.

I have to go run an errand.  I drive right by fast food row.

How processed can a Taco Bell burrito really be? It’s vegetarian.  There has to be points for that.

Maybe we need a sliding scale…


Maybe I should make my own points scale, I drove right past Taco Bell.  And I drove past every other restaurant along the way.

Hello smoothie, my old friend.

Hello left over fried pickles, how did you get in my tummy?