What is Happening in the Land of Did That Just Happen

I'm not saying I can perform miracles or anything, but check out Did That Just Happen Blog!

There is no reason for that meme, I just found it the other day and LOVE it!

Okay guys, here is a quick recap of what is happening in the land of Did That Just Happen.

Senior Pictures with Mom at Did That Just Happen Blog

We took Senior Pictures.  I am blessed that one of my dear friends is a photographer and she has known Mr. T since he was little, so I knew I could trust her to capture his essence, and she did a great job.  Plus, she let me get in a few of them, and be still my heart.  I’m about to go pick this picture up, I had it blown up and put on a canvas!

You've Been Flocked from Did That Just Happen Blog

After work the other day I ran into town and Flocked a teacher.  🙂  It’s a fundraiser we are doing for Senior Celebration, and seriously, when I waved at one of their neighbors as I was surreptitiously putting up almost a dozen flamingos, I was sure I was busted! But the flock of flamingos is up, and the teacher has been a good sport, and even tweeted it!  Our goal is to raise awareness and now raise some funds!

Senior Mum Preview at Did That Just Happen Blog

It’s #SeniorYear so that means MUM SEASON!! I can’t show you a picture of the mum Mr. T designed for his girlfriend, as he doesn’t give it to her until tomorrow, but the above sneak peak should tide you over!  And, for those not familiar with Friday Night Lights, I wrote a post last year to help you understand how big of a deal Homecoming is for us! (Oh, just FYI, apparently the kids at T’s school were discussing mums and googled it and my post came up, and well, wouldn’t you know, one of the girls IN THE POST was the one googling and saw herself featured.  Hey, I asked for the picture before I took it!! But it still cracked me up!)

Speaking of Friday Night Lights:

Cheer is Life for us at Did That Just Happen Blog It's all about that Base at Did That Just Happen Blog Cheer is Life at Did That Just Happen Blog

I’ll deny this if you ever repeat it, but I am going to miss being a Cheer Mom.  I did great at it! I stepped outside my comfort zone.  I volunteered for stuff.  I talked to people.  Like, seriously, I voluntarily spoke with strangers.  And, some of those strangers have become my friends.  While I have not cheered in the crowd with poms for more than 2 seconds, I have worn bling.

Bling people.

I’m just saying.

And then some sad news.

Kate and Grandpa at Did That Just Happen Blog

My beloved Grandpa, who was so fond of having adventures with me, passed away Tuesday the 6th.  He went peacefully and I know in my heart he was ready and he is in a much better place, and Heaven was happy (and lucky!!) to receive him.  He served God, his Country and his Family with grace and humor and love and I am a better person for having had him in my life.

And that is my recap of the last couple of weeks!  #Unprocessed October is still happening, and I’m amazed at how well I am doing… I did discover that Diet Coke and Cheetos are still my go-to stress snacks, and yeah, there were a few days that that happened! But all in all, it’s been a good way to kick off the Last 100 Days of the Year!

Now to finish preparing for Homecoming – but what have y’all been up to?