Where Does the Time Go?

To all of you who blog every day, who have a blogging schedule and stick to it, and actually create worthwhile posts: You are such an inspiration!

I wish I could. I would love to entertain you with my life in a daily basis; however, my life really isn’t that entertaining and guys, I just don’t have time! I don’t know how you do it!

I got this idea from Not A Punk Rocker (and I hope that really links up) where she cleaned out her cell phone photos. I enjoyed her post and thought it was cool, so I decided to try it, too! Plus, it means I can post content that I don’t have to give a lot of thought to. Yup, sometimes I’m just lazy!

So, here is my cheat post!

Happy Valentines Day! I actually just saw this on Facebook a few minutes ago and took a screen shot. I’m not sure who it is for, but figured if better make a copy just in case. And look, now I got to share it all with you!

I saw this the other day and was like “what the what?!?” And “why?!?”

Here is everything that came in my Bountiful Basket! $15 for all of those fruits and veggies, and supporting a local co-op! I’m super happy and will be doing it again this week! 🙂

Here is my sons current hair cut. Yup. That happened. But you should know all of the haircuts I vetoed! And yes, the front half is missing, too. He is bald only on one side.

This is my bruise. I like to take picture and share how hurt I am! 🙂 Now I’m wishing I had more of these so I could show you the progression!

Now, these are my types of conversation hearts!!

Okay, there is a stroll through my phone pictures from the past week. I hope you enjoyed them and that this post bought me some time before I have to come up with a “real” post!

37 thoughts on “Where Does the Time Go?

  1. thatnavaword says:

    Your sons haircut…. interesting.

    those v hearts: we used to have sweets with short sayings on them: be my v, love you.. that sort of thing. they were called NAME LEKKERS. name (nahmuh) = name and lekker = sweets. havne’t seen those in years

  2. Saving My Belly Button Ring says:

    (A) Those nails are the just…can’t even describe it in words. (B) I am jealous about your $15 purchase and so want a basket of my own. (C) You are way entertaining and I enjoyed your post! 🙂

  3. I’ve thought about a blogging schedule and have never pulled the trigger. I think I probably should because I mostly just blog when I get a wild hair and then I’m lost to the world until I get it out. It’s sort of like childbirth. It starts happening and you can’t stop it until something comes out of you.

    Fun post! Makes me want to do one 🙂

    • LOL – you should! I think it’s a fun insight to see what pictures are on everyone’s phone!

      And, I’ve thought about a blogging schedule, but I really don’t know that I could stick to it, and then I’d feel awful and very disappointed in myself when I didn’t (yes, I’m that person!). So, I’m going to stick with the whole my-blog-is-like-giving-birth, and just blog when I feel the need! 🙂

      Bought extra blackberries and am going to get with my mom and start working on my first canning lesson (jam) so that I’m not a complete novice and can follow your posts!

      • I would feel the same way if I didn’t stick to the schedule I had set for myself. That is probably one of the subconscious reasons why I have never actually set one. 🙂

        Where on earth do you find blackberries this time of year?!? Also, I plan to write so that a novice can follow my posts. So no worries!

  4. I am sorry to miss so many of your posts Kate! I am so busy! And I also find bloggers who post everyday are awesome! I will never be able to do so! Oh, you have changed your blog header! Cool! I love your son’s new haircut and I am sorry for your bruise! I really enjoy your posts, you always manage to make me smile not once, but many times when I read through from first word to the last! Happy V day!

  5. Oh yeah, teens have to do something crazy with their hair at some point. I was pretty mild with mine, I dyed it blue underneath…but it made a cool braid 😉 The blogging schedule definitely works out and just being on the schedule sometimes help with inspiration…how about a romance novel kinda post, Kate! haha I always love your posts 😉

  6. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Those nails are going to give me nightmares whenever I go back to sleep.

    I am jealous of your basket o’produce. All that for fifteen bucks? Nice!

    Thanks for the shout out 😀

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