Food, Shelter and Wi-fi

Hey everyone this is Mr.T, I have come to find out I am pretty popular on this whole blog thing, so I thought i would try it out, and give you some insight on what it is like to live with the dreaded Kate. For those who do not know and for those that do know, Kate is my mother, a pretty good one at that also. As all of you have probably experienced you know that she thinks that she is super funny in the things that she blogs about and can’t wait to tell me about  it when i get home from school.

How about we make a list of the benefits of living with Kate:

Food, Shelter, Wifi

Alright know let us a list of the down sides of living with Kate;

For starters she makes me clean my room, also you wont believe this part she makes me do the dishes every night after we eat supper. Now if you thought that was bad you are not going to believe this one, she makes me shower. I mean come on really, what teenage boy wants to waste his time showering when he can go and roll around in the middle of a highway.

All on all she is a pretty cool person, unless I am driving, then she is crazy, and i want to take the time to thank all of you who are reading this because you all have made her spend less time with me, and i mean what teenage boy does not want that? Am i right? Cmon if you do not laugh it just seems mean…


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