There Must Always be Balance

There must always be balance in my life.  This lesson is taught to me over and over again.

Do you remember my new baby?

purple keurig

My purple Keurig that I just love?  Well, it was defective.  At first I thought it was my imagination, then I realized it wasn’t my imagination and it really was defective, but it was so cute – maybe I could just live with it.  Even though it bothered me greatly several times a day, I thought that those “quirks” were something I could work around, I could handle.

Yes, I was in an unhealthy relationship with my coffee maker.

I have no defense.  I can’t tell you why I stayed with it as long as I did, but yesterday, I finally extracted myself from the unhealthy relationship.  I knew it might not end well, but I had to do it.

I called Kohl’s.  I explained that I thought it was my imagination, then I thought I could live with it, but I couldn’t… but I was so committed to the relationship that I had already recycled the packaging.  The box was gone.

This is an example of how I now live my life – I just jump in with both feet!

Yes, this frequently comes back to haunt me.

The nice guy on the other end of the line told me that all would be okay.  He reassured me that even though I was fully committed to my machine, they understood that things happen and they could help me out of this dysfunctional relationship.  They would be happy to help me get out of the relationship and thought they could help me find a replacement. And, even though I found my guy on-line, I could take him back to the store.  Kohl’s didn’t want me to be without for any longer than necessary.  Of course, the replacement might not be as cool, as pretty or as purple.

It was a chance I had to take.

I unplugged it myself.  My heart broke a little.

Mr. T and I headed to town, stopped at the service desk and presented our documentation.

Now it was the moment of truth.  The long walk across the store to see what options I had.  Could I find the love of my life a second time?

I did!  They had purple in stock!  I did a happy dance in the aisles!

On the way back to the customer service desk, we saw a clearance rack.  Athletic wear, 70-80% off.  Mr. T and I both need jackets to work out in.  He found the sweatshirt he wanted, I found one I could use… both were normally $45, on sale for $13.  Then I found a lightweight rain jacket, that is perfect for the camping box, again, at a ridiculous price.

We gathered all our loot and headed to check out.

Of course, in my life, there must always be balance.

We got home and discovered that Mr. T didn’t have his original hoodie.  I had him call Kohl’s, and they went and checked… naturally his hoodie wasn’t there anymore.

Yeah, that just happened, I did get the love of my life back – and we lost T’s hoodie at the same time.

51 thoughts on “There Must Always be Balance

  1. Oh my goodness, I’m glad you rebounded from that toxic relationship right into one that will be full of love and mutual perks.
    I would die without my keurig.
    That’s right, DIE.

  2. *StrongNewMe* says:

    How great they had a replacement in purple! As for leaving his hoodie at the store, I can relate to that. We have finally learned to do a hat, jacket, purse, and toy check before we leave anywhere, because at least one of the kids is determined to leave something everywhere we go.

  3. You know, that reminded me how I stayed in a hotel for a night this summer and in the room there was a Keurig. I was so excited that I whipped up a cup of coffee even though I wasn’t even jonesing for one. Lo and behold it was not working. I thought it was me – the over-eager Keurig enthusiast. But alas, to my great relief it was not. After a quick call to the front desk, a new one was swapped in its place. It worked!
    As for the hoodie, so sorry. They can be really important to those boys. My son took off his Super Mario and Friends hoodie for five minutes and whoosh – gone like the wind. But awesome on the other bargain finds,

  4. Ashley Beland says:

    It’s not just you. I have a love affair with my Keurig. Mine is definitely not as awesomely cute as yours but it makes do! Glad you got a replacement with no fuss 🙂

  5. I had a coffee pot once that ground fresh beans. I loved it, but soon that part would come to break. I just used the regular grounds in it for about another year, but told people of my coffee maker that could ground beans… Sadly, I eventually had to trade it in for one without a bean grinder….:) Sorry if this depresses you! However, on a good note…..I love KOHLS!:)

  6. So happy you left the douche and found an upgrade all with the same good looks too. Sounds like Mr. T’s hoodie was ready to move on to someone new too. Hope he will find love with the one on the clearance rack. Sometimes the ones no one else wants are really special and just waiting for that right person 😉 haha, great post Kate. Loved it! 😀

  7. I loved reading this story, I was on the edge of my seat “would they have the purple one in stock? Would you find a different color instead but equally as cool?” Just little questions I had in the back of my head as I read your clever story. Boo on the hoodie but yeeeees! on the new purple coffee maker and the extra loot. You win some you lose some….I guess. I just love the way you tell stories.

    • Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it – because that was really what was going through my mind as I was taking care of this yesterday. As Mr. T and I were walking to the coffee makers, I turned to him and said “There WILL be a purple one… there WILL be!” LOL.

  8. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Purple keurig is adorable. Sorry for the lost hoodie though, that would be a huge issue in our house. Each hoodie is loved and has a special meaning, apparently.

  9. thatnavaword says:

    i have a friend that is currently obssesed with having a coffee machine. lol she doens’t even drink that much coffee, but she loves gadgets and loves them even more when they are pricey and no one else has them. Her husband is well aware of what to get her for her bday next month

      • thatnavaword says:

        lol you sound like me with the phone i want. the brand isn’t even all that popular in this country but right now the phone is sold out and my phone is on back order. Im waiting for the HTC ONE. lol obsessed with it!!!! even the store manager asked me if i didn’t want a different phone, and i told her, nope. no way

  10. Oh boo. There’s always something around trying to remind us to feel grateful. I am pretty stoked you got the purple machine back though and how accommodating of that business. If I lived in the states I’d shop there now based on that story!!

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