Internet Tips and Tricks

Thanks to the World Wide Web, we have a ton of information at our fingertips!

For example, did you know there is a proper order to put your make up on?


Thanks to Lenacy you now have it all in one handy dandy diagram.

Want to know how I put on make up? Slather on foundation, curl lashes, line and color lids, smear on blush.  Put up make up bag.  Get make up bag back out cause you forgot mascara.  If I have time, I might paint on some eyebrows to even mine up.  That’s a mighty big “IF”.


Thanks to Fit Body HQ, you can now have the Ultimate Butt.

I’ll tell you honestly that I don’t have a clue what a glute bride/hip thrust is.  I thought that was a dance move I learned in middle school, and normally a grunt was part of the move.  And whatever Bulgarian Split Squats are – they sound painful.


Oh how I wish!  I’d love to do a cute cheese tray like Real Simple suggests; however, is it wrong to tell you that it would be lost on my friends?  No offense friends – but you gotta admit, you’d look at that and go “Kate has too much time on her hands!”  You guys love the jalepeno/grape/cheese cube that Amy puts together for the parties (which I showed her, by the way!) and really, no matter how good the Mountain Gorgonzola is, it can’t compete.  (P.S. when you see Gorgonzola dressing on a menu – it’s just blue cheese dressing.) (You’re welcome.)


Thanks to Better Homes and Gardens, we learn that the proper way to serve buffalo wing bits is with an expensive lollipop stick… Apparently the $2 for 1000 box of toothpicks I have just isn’t cutting it.


Penney at My Journey to Live and Authentic Life, and my Pinterest buddy, you haven’t seen my garage…


Oh, Martha Stewart, you have so much more time than I do!


Yes, we have a world of information, tid bits, tips and guides at our fingertips.

And 90% of them are useless.

Having said that, I will be making dinner tonight based on a recipe I found on the internet, so, sometimes that 10% that’s left over does come in handy!