Mommy Guilt – A Guest Post

I’m so excited!  Jess at Waiting on a Word was kind enough to host me as a guest blogger today!  Please go check her out!  It’s a pretty awesome post, if I do say so myself!

My life has been busy. I’m not saying it’s been harder than anyone’s, but just to point out that I’ve been busy! You know that kinda busy where when you get a free moment and you’re afraid that you’ve totally forgotten something you were supposed to do and that’s why all of the sudden you have free time!

The point of this is that today I went for my monthly pedicure. Several years ago I decided that the approximately $30 a month was worth having an hour alone. I don’t do a lot for just me as I am very family and friend focused; however, I love having my toes done. I love the feel and how pretty they look at the end of the hour. I love the massage chair and I love the foot rub that comes with it. I love that for one hour every month I don’t have to worry about anything. Everything will be waiting on me when the hour is up, so I can let it all go and just enjoy an hour of me time and a little pampering!


Okay – go visit Jess to finish the post!  It’s well worth it! (in my very humble opinion! 🙂 )