Kate in the Kitchen: Bake Sale Crispie Treats

You all know (or most of you do) that I am a cheer mom.  The one thing in this world I never expected to be, I am.

Mr. T cheer

Do you see Mr. T? Hint – he’s the only one without a bow in his hair.

On top of that, I not only signed up for the Booster Club, but I became a member of the Executive Council.

Honestly, I had no idea what a Booster Club really did – which is probably a good thing – because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have done all I did had I known in advance!

I’m sure the rest of the world knows this, but a Booster Club supports the “club” (Cheerleaders, baseball players, dancers, football team, etc.).  Primarily, they support with fund raising efforts.  So far this year we’ve had a pancake breakfast and that raised the money to buy our cheerleaders a vinyl banner for the football team to run through.  We also had a car wash and that paid for a new mat for the cheerleaders to use and for a full page in the football program advertising/promoting our cheerleaders.

That’s the background.  We are doing good things for the girls and Mr. T, that’s what it boils down to.

This Monday was the Community Pep Rally, an annual event that the school hosts where they invite the community to come down and meet the teams and coaches.  Apparently this is an ideal time for the Booster Clubs to do some fundraising.  We were all lined up at the front of the stadium hocking our wares.  T-shirts, little plastic bull horns, hats, and in our case – baked goods!

Naturally, upon finding out about this, I got busy searching Pinterest for wonderful ideas. What was I going to make? It had to be easy and it had to be awesome! I was going to blow those other parents away!

Not that I’m competitive or anything!

I decided on chocolate dipped rice cereal treats.  I won’t call them Rice Krispie treats, cause, well, I bought generic!

Oh – and I learned that you can now make these things in the microwave!! Holy cow it was awesome! No more standing over the stove and stirring constantly so that the butter doesn’t burn while you are trying to melt the marshmallows!! It was like the clouds parted and sunbeams were shining down on me!

I got the treats made with minimal fuss and mom helped me out by cutting them nice and neatly:

rice krispie treats


Then we went and added popcicle sticks, because in my mind, these were going to be on display – the highlight of the bake sale table!

rice krispie treats on a stickThen I took some chocolate bark and almond bark and got it melted (in the microwave again!) and then gathered the other supplies – plenty of sprinkles!  The school colors are purple and gold and mom just happened to have some purple and gold sugar crystals, so I used that and the rainbow sprinkles I bought and had fun!



rice krispie treats dipped in chocolate

Then the unthinkable happened (and I just realized how blurry the picture above is – sorry about that!)

I’m not sure what I did wrong, or if a million Pinterest pictures are wrong – but my treats fell off of the sticks!

rice krispie treats

I just went ahead and took them all off the sticks.  My dreams were dashed – but all hope was not lost, I still knew that I was going to rock that bake sale!

chocolate covered rice krispie treats

Beautiful, chocolate and sprinkled covered rice cereal treats.  All wrapped up nice and neat in their own individual bag, ready to captivate the people that walked by our booth.

I showed up, I helped set up the booth, and then I pulled out my treats and ooohhh’d and aaahhh’d over how pretty they were.

And about 5 minutes later I remember that I lived in Texas.

And it’s 100 dg. in the shade.

And chocolate melts in 100 dg. temperatures.

There’s always next year!

38 thoughts on “Kate in the Kitchen: Bake Sale Crispie Treats

  1. Those would go over well here where it’s almost always cold! 😉 Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest board.

  2. They would have melted up here today!! It’s a balmy 38C or 100.4F. If it were winter time we would have just put them outside and they would have been frozen crispy treats. 🙂

    • Thanks Sarah! I had fun making them, too! Of course, I saw on Pinterest the other day rice krispie treats cut out with a ghost cookie cutter and iced white and placed on a stick – and then I was like “Oh yeah, that doesn’t work!”
      🙂 Have a great week, too!

  3. I love it! First of all, as a former cheer mom (now that she’s a Junior in college I’m several years removed) I support what you are doing in support of Mr. T and the other cheerleaders! It is so awesome! I’m looking forward to posts on poster making and everything else that goes with being a cheer mom and a Booster Club member!
    The treats look awesome! I’m delighted about learning to make crispie treats in the microwave! That is a blessing!
    As for the meltiness… oh, well. It happens. You know my motto: Keep on keepin’ on!

  4. Saving My Belly Button Ring says:

    Here I was with one of your other commenters loving the planning, prepping and results….only to be just as surprised as you that they don’t fair well in Texas heat. Sorry. At least they sold! You’ll beat the other moms next go around! Not that your competitive or anything. hahaha

  5. They did look amazing Kate!!!! What a shame they melted, I really wasn’t expecting that as I read through your post admiring the photos and then burst our laughing at the end.😀 I’m sure they tasted great though and ultimately that is what matters most. Xxx

    • Yeah, I totally didn’t think about the after pictures – it was my first time ever at the community pep rally and I was a bit clueless and nervous and scared!
      And thanks – I was so excited to do something super – and I’m still impressed, no matter that they mostly melted! But, that was high praise coming from you Velma!

  6. laughing at how we all dream. I, too, was picturing your treats, upright on sticks, perhaps surrounded by celestial light, as the hit of the sale. even if they melted and didn’t look the best, they still sold. I think this speaks to the power of chocolate.

    • No kidding! And, they really were easy to make!

      And, truthfully, we sold almost all of the almost 3 dozen I took, so it’s not like they were so awful that they didn’t sell, but man, they were not the treats of my dreams, that’s for sure!!

What do you think?