And In The End

My life is changing, and It. Is. Awesome!

Which is saying a lot, since I take longer to process change than most!

Since we last spoke I’ve taken a last minute bus ride, 6 hours away, with the best theatre troupe there is, as they got called up to UIL Regionals at the last minute.


Told them to Break a Leg


And come back home!


They made Alternates to State, which is 12th in the State, which is AWESOME!!

Then I went to a concert with some friends





Then I went on a work trip AND crossed an item off my bucket list! My colleague was kind enough to schedule in a little extra time so I could play in the Atlantic Ocean, and now, I have been in both the Pacific and the Atlantic, and you know how I love crossing items off my bucket list!

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I have worked, mailed graduation announcements, oh – did I tell you that Mr. T made the college cheer team?!?


So proud of this kid!! The coach loves him and I’m about to go return and buy different items to decorate the signing table because he gets to participate at the signing celebration at school!

This also meant that we looked at scholarship and grant money and do we live on campus or at home… there were 2 weeks where the answer was different every time you asked me! In the end, we can maximize the financial money by him living at home Freshman year and then on campus Sophomore year… so as of today, that’s the plan!

I’m getting ready for graduation – but first, they have Prom tomorrow.  Today was Senior Skip Day and someone asked “Is Mr. T participating?” and I was like “He better!” Senior Skip Day is a time-honored tradition!

And, now to the point.  You remember my word of the year, right? FUTURE


So far, this has been a GREAT year, and I know it will only get better; however, I have higher priorities than blogging right now.  For me, the time is right to stop updating my blog.  But never fear, you can still find me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!  kateandmrt is my handle on most of those, (there should be links to the right) and I’ll still be around, reading your blogs when I can, but for now, I’m halting my own blog.

And it is very bitter sweet. I’ve loved interacting with y’all and we’ve made some great memories and I will miss sharing, often over-sharing, every last detail with you, but it is time for me to focus on other priorities and my Future.  What ever that may be!

I’ll leave you with the wise words from Abraham Lincoln:

Life in your years

Love you,


37 thoughts on “And In The End

  1. You bet I will be following you on instagram! I wish you happiness in your pursuit of life and wish Mr T enjoy his Freshman year and more! Freshman year will be awesome and I am sure he will love it. Love your last quote! Love it totally!

  2. Good luck Kate to you and Mr T. This year has been pretty full on for me too and I find I no longer have the motivation to blog as much as I use to. I’ll miss your posts though they always made me laugh. xxx

  3. Nooooooooooo, now I’m going to have to actually check Instagram! LOL. Well, I’m happy for you that things are going so well and you’re getting another year out of Mr. T. at home 🙂 Enjoy your busy break!

  4. Paul says:

    That is wonderful news for you Kate (and Mr T) but I want to pout because you’re leaving us. May the future have much more happiness and good things in store for you and yours. ❤

  5. This makes me equal parts sad and happy. I am definitely going to have to improve my IG commenting skills and Facebook and Twitter. 🙂 I will miss your blog posts but am excited for your future- you and Mr. T!!!

  6. Yay for perfect endings abd new beginnings! So happy for you. And I can’t be too sad about the blog going dark because we are connected in other places. 😉

      • I hear you Kate. I appreciate your sincerity (you know that’s a compliment from me). I feel like saw your whole ark – from beginning to end. Anyway, I’m glad you won’t be totally going away!

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