In the Kitchen with Kate: Peanut Butter Cookie FAIL

For a thousand reasons, I decided to try a new recipe of treats tonight. It was a flourless peanut butter cookie recipe.

Peanut butter.
Baking soda.

Seems easy, right?

I gathered the ingredients. I decided not to judge a book by the cover and discarded the fact that the picture of the cookie looked funny, cause I’ve eaten plenty of things that looked funny but tasted great!

I did decide to add chocolate chips, though, because, hello!


Okay, looks a little different from how most cookies start. But peanut butter. Honey. Chocolate chips!


Fresh from the oven… Yeah…


About 10 minutes later they’ve fallen and I’ve literally had to scrape them off the pan!


I had to move fast to get the picture before it fell apart in my hand!

So, not every recipe is a glowing success! But, not going to lie, as ugly as they are and as hard to eat as they are, at 50 calories I scraped those suckers up and ate 3!