Life Hack Test: Lotion Socks

So, I’m a big fan of Life Hacks.

DIY expo markers

Splish Splash Ms Lander shows us that if you glue pom pom’s to the bottom of Expo markers, you have a built in eraser!

Or, did you know that you can get an autographed picture from a Disney character?

life hack 1589

So, when I kept seeing one for soft heels and feet, I had to try it out!  And yes, I’ve heard all about putting lotion on your feet and then putting on socks before you go to bed.

I cannot sleep in socks.

I don’t trust people that can sleep in socks.

It’s just weird.

Yes, I called YOU weird.  (I don’t know who it is, but I’m positive at least one of you does this!)

Moving on.

I grabbed an old sock that was hanging out in the sock graveyard.

You know, the pile of socks that don’t have a mate, but you can’t toss yet because the mate Just Might Show Up!

Yeah, that graveyard!

Grab one of those.

Cut the toes off.

life hack lotion sock 1

Then put your lotion on, and now put on the sock… Then take a very awkward picture – and trust me, this was the best of the bunch!

Life hack lotion sock 2

Now you can go to bed, with the lotion on the foot now trapped, but with your toes being able to breathe!


Well, it works well enough.  Usually by about 3:00 am I’m prying those suckers off – but really, the socks just live under the covers until the next night when I put them back on.  Which now that I type that out, it kinda sounds gross.  Don’t judge.

But, I struggle with rough heels – mainly cause I never wear shoes – and I’m kinda excited, after about a week of this, my heels are still really smooth! So, if you have challenging heels, and can’t wear socks to bed, I highly recommend visiting the sock graveyard and trying out this life hack!

You’re welcome. 🙂

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