Monday, Monday, Can’t Trust That Day


Let’s back up to Saturday.  Allow me to fill you in.  Mr. T and I got up Saturday and ran by my parents house to pick up some stuff and feed the dogs and then we headed over to Dallas.  We got to see Lee, sit with him, talk to him.  Mr. T went to lunch with my parents and I stayed and kept Lee company.

Lee is still in a coma.  He has been sedated for two weeks, but this last week after a pretty bad incident, he slipped into the coma and hasn’t surfaced yet.  The doctors have said that the congestion in his liver may be a contributing factor and they have worked very hard to get it functioning again.  But, I sat and held his hand, talked to him, read him updates from his Facebook.  Read him the well-wishes from mine.  It is hard to look at him and not see my brother. This is not what is suppose to happen to my brother.  My sister had told/warned me about some of the things I would see, but until you are there, until you are in this situation, you can’t comprehend it – and there aren’t enough words for me to make you understand.  I stayed for a little over an hour and then Mr. T and I left.


We went straight to the movies.  Iron Man 3.  I’ve read mixed reviews about it – but I’ll tell ya, I really enjoyed it!  It was a good movie, fun to watch, filled with action and the snappy one-liners you’ve come to expect.  And I really love the relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.  They aren’t all lovey-dovey (which drives me nuts) but there are times when Tony looks at Pepper and you can see that he would indeed, die for her.  It was good – plus, it was a good way to cleanse our palate after the visit with Lee.

We no sooner got home and changed clothes, and Mr. T took off on his bike, that my dad called.  He was on his way home… apparently when my grandmother couldn’t reach me to verify I had fed the dogs, she came over to feed them and discovered that the downstairs bedrooms were flooded.  Now, I had been in those bedrooms on Friday and they were fine. She got there Saturday afternoon and they weren’t.  It’s a really good thing she couldn’t reach me and went to their house.  The downstairs bedrooms have a Jack and Jill set up (which means the two bedrooms have a bathroom in between them) and apparently the supply line for one of the sinks ruptured… not good.  Dad asked if I would bring Mr. T over to help him move furniture.  No problem.

Or so I thought.  I called him and called him and called him.  I stood outside waiting for him to ride by on his bike so I could get his attention.  After 20-30 minutes I got in the car and drove all over the neighborhood… three time.  Finally, after almost an hour, I couldn’t leave dad in the lurch, so I headed over there.  (Oh, and I texted T’s phone, his iPod and tweeted him to call me!!)


he did eventually call me – he had forgotten his phone at home…

Most of mom and dad’s furniture are antique – and these two bedrooms are filled with furniture from my great-grandmother’s house.  And, my parents are pack rats.  So all of the furniture is stuffed full.  Dad and I moved out as much as we could.  We emptied out the closet floors that were impacted.  We worked up a sweat.  Then it was time to tackle the plumbing.  Oh my goodness.  This faucet was insane.  I mean, there is no way a human designed how this faucet was put together – it was way too diabolical.  Hours later, dad gave up and just took the entire thing with him to Home Depot.  He picked up Mr. T on the way and then picked up tacos on the way back.  I stuck around and waiting with Dalworth Restoration did their thing.  They suctioned up about 50 gallons of water from the bedrooms.  And left behind about 6 industrial fans and one de-humidifier.


Thank goodness the flood wasn’t this bad!

By Sunday I was pretty exhausted!

Now it is Monday.  Lee isn’t doing well.  He had upper and lower GI bleeding and they took him in for a CT scan of his brain this morning.  The CT originally wasn’t scheduled to happen until later this week.  My sister and I (and several others) are impatiently awaiting the results.  I know that they are looking for brain activity.  His pupil responses are getting slower, he is not reacting to pain and he is only kinda controlling his breathing.  It’s just not looking good.  My dad has already asked, and my sister and I both said yes, if they take him off life support, we want to be there.  I don’t know if it is funny or sad, but the kids have already told my sister and I some of the items they want if “worst case scenario”.  I’m actually okay with that.  There was a moment of shock, and then I realized that it’s just part of the process.  I was, however, hesitant to mention it to my sister, and felt a huge wave of relief when she said her kids had done the same thing!  It helps with my kid isn’t the only one!!

I’m sitting here waiting for Dalworth to make it by to check the saturation levels in the bedrooms.  It will take a couple of days to dry out – but the fortunate thing is that it was clean water, and we caught it so soon – we don’t have to replace any carpet or drywall.  So, yeah, I’ll take that little victory!

But still, I don’t trust Mondays anymore…
